The monitoring service has recently been launched and I want to take a moment to ask you for your help in continuing our mission. The service is beautiful and it provides insights in what is going on in the world of CAPTCHA solving services. It is facing new challenges and encountering new opportunities, and both are going to require major funds. Help empower the world with free knowledge!

The monitoring service is based on a very great idea, the realization of the dreams most of us have always had for what the Internet can and should become. Thousands of people, all over the world, from all cultures, working together in harmony to freely share clear, factual, unbiased information… a simple and pure desire to make the world a better place.

This is a radical strike at the heart of an increasingly shallow, proprietary and anti-intellectual culture. It is a radical strike at the assumption that the Internet has to be a place of hostile debate and flame wars. It is an appeal to the best within all of us.

The result so far has been wild success. Thanks to the wonderful volunteers who have created and managed this vast resource, we are now one of the top monitoring services in the world… and traffic growth continues. The pressures on us increase daily, pressures of organization, of servers and server management. In order for the monitoring service to move forward, we need the help of ordinary people like you, people who share in our dream of a free monitoring service for every single person on the planet.

We achieved to build the service and make it publicly available spending $1 a day only! We will need a lot more this year just to keep the site on the air and performing well. But the wonderful thing about our growth is that it gives us a real opportunity to extend our fundraising beyond just what we need to stay on the air.

If somebody asked me why I’m doing this? I think you know why.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself. I’m doing this for a better world where culture is free, not proprietary, where control of knowledge is in the hands of people everywhere, with basic works they can adopt, modify, and share freely without asking permission from anyone.

With your help, we can take back the Internet!

Please consider a generous donation to the monitoring service.